The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Schnerkeling versus schnerbeling

Another new panda has arrived!! This is the summer of the pandas! The latest was born at the San Diego Zoo.

Today my tummy hurts and I've been emitting little groans of despair. Or schnerkeling, as that kind of quiet cross between grunting and whining is known. Yes ... I schnerkel when I'm in pain. Schnerkeling is not to be confused with schnerbeling, which is what you do when you see a cute baby panda.

When you see an ugly rat running around, you simply scream and run across the street without checking to see whether there's any traffic coming.

So Angela and I saw a rat on our way to get coffee and proceeded to do the above, as is correct. Then we saw a colleague at the coffee cart and told him to watch out for rats on the street near our office building ... because ... as Angela said ... a management meeting was apparently scheduled ... and the early arrivals were already here.

Hah hah hah hah hah. Good one Angela.

Until later, love and kisses, xoxoxoxo


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