The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday Monday

Every other day! every other day every other day of the week is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

But when every Monday comes I want to barf ... all of the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!

Week in and week out. I go to work, I write the story, I cash the check. This is my life.

Don't get me wrong. It's not bad. In fact, it's pretty good, considering.

But I think it would be more fun if I were a rock star. I want to trade places with Gwen Stefani. She gets to rock out AND make clothes. Plus she's married to a hottie.

Or if I was Juliette Binoche. She gets to make out with Olivier Martinez, Johnny Depp AND Naveen Andrews. And she gets paid for it. Damn!!!

I spend my weekend battling ants and a pissed off kitty. I bet Gwen and Juliette don't do shit like that.

Do I need to mention the angry cat was NOT Noodle Moppet?

Messy has issues ... not the least of which is her hatred of the brush. And she's been banned from every groomer in the city. So I dosed her with twice the recommended amount of kitty valium in an attempt to give her a comb out without losing a limb. She was NOT having it. She spent all day Sunday stoned out of her mind, totally angry and STILL covered in tangled up hair. Ugh.

Noodle M. visited the vet on Saturday for a well kitty check. It was free because she is adopted! That is so nice. Anyway, I was chatting with the vet about how weird it is to have a cat who isn't violent and she replied that a panther would seem tame next to Messy. Hmm. I see her point.

Mari and I got our bags at Timbuk2! they are cool but the lady who works there seemed mightily irritated that she had to deal with us.

I hope everyone else had a super weekend too.

Until later, Love and kisses, xoxoxoxo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow..........thats what i did sunday!!!messy you should have come over.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006  

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