The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It works!

Remember when you were in high school, and you'd end up with huge hickeys on your neck after Saturday night at Cinema 5, Dan Hansen's big party, or the equivalent?

BOY, I do.

You'd have to tell everyone, including your mom, you burned yourself on the neck with your curling iron. (I don't know what Kevin did) And of course, no one would believe you. Not even your mom.

Girls, take note: As it turns out, it WAS a good excuse. I had a little accident with my curling iron on Saturday and now I look like I was making out in the backseat of a Chevy Nova all weekend with some horny 17 year old.

I am back at work after a three day weekend. We have a celebrity guest down the hall, so it's quite exciting.

I also have been presented with a new desk pet! It is a rat, and a gift from my fellow rat phobic friend Jelly.

Thanks Jelly! I am not sure what to name him. Fat Shady? He's kind of chubby.

Good news from Anna! the twins are still cooking normally after a scare involving contractions this weekend. Thank GOD. Please continue to send white light to our beautiful Anna and her little sweeties.

Until later, love and kisses, xoxoxoxo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about the hickey on the chin!!!!

everyone then thinks your boyfriend punched ya!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  

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