The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A grim future

I'm well on my way to dying alone and being eaten by my cats.

Actually, Noodle would probably just gum me. But if Messy's there when I shrug off this mortal coil (and you KNOW she'll be the first cat in the world to live to be 63) she'll start with my liver and work her way up.

I don't want to be a cat hoarder!! I fear that is my future though. Because I simply cannot be bothered to leave my house unless it is absolutely necessary. That is, if I need provisions or if I have to go to work. And if I never leave my house, how can my Prince Charming find me? (New theory: My prince delivers pizzas for Mr. Pizza Man.)

Oh well. Hope has always, and continues to, spring eternal.

Sad news: coffee cart crush guy has dropped off the radar. He must have given up caffeine and started buying bananas in bulk at Costco.

So I'm in the market for a new crush. Nothing is required of my crush, except that he be a MAN, cute, friendly and cross my path on a regular basis. Interested parties can email me for an application.

Bonus points if you deliver pizzas.

Until later, love and kisses, xoxoxoxo


Blogger terry said...

maybe cccg is just on vacation...

i'm just saying.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

messy always was a gourmet kitty.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006  
Blogger JMai said...

I have my gingers crossed that pizza delivery crush prince just delivers pizzas to feed the homeless on weekends, and the rest of the time is a nobel-prize winning doctor with warm hands and an affinity for cats.

And if this is the case, kindly send me his equally fantastic brother.

Saturday, January 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A woman shouldn't feel threatened to cross the street on a Thursday afternoon so she can do her laundry. I say call the police (local number) and issue a complaint about the loitering. If anything it will get a couple of police round-a-bout's and walk overs.

Sunday, January 29, 2006  

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