The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Peace on Earth

Another plate full of butt hole cookies has shown up! What the hell?

I tasted one today out of sheer hungry desperation and I have to say, they are pretty good.

Anyway. Last night there was a detente of sorts at my house. I slept in the middle of the bed with Messy purring away on one side and Peanut snorting and snoring on the other. It was super snuggly! I didn't get much sleep because they are both very loud but that is okay.

I am busy thinking up my New Year's resolutions!!

Here's what I have so far:

1. Take coats to dry cleaners
2. Rearrange furniture

Happy Solstice! After two seasons of frugality I am now entering the Winter of Pleasure.

Until later, love and kisses, xoxoxo


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