The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

ANOTHER alter ego

These are sad days, indeed.

Angela is working afternoons because "The Runiner" went off to Houston. So she has to stay home in the mornings to watch Ole. Which means my days are virtually jelly-less. It is very lonely having to walk to the coffee cart by myself. EVERY DAMN DAY Marlin asks me "where's your partner?" And I thought explaining she was in Norway 15 times was tiring. gah.

Well, we finally went to H&M. Or as it is now known in certain circles H and mo-fucking M. We bought a couple of items, but really, the thrill is gone. Practically purchaseless, we got stuck in the Union Square garage elevator with a frightened man. It wasn't the elevator malfunction which scared him, but the giddy, yet bitter fog clouding the air. The combination of prospective solo coffee cart forays and the total crap LETDOWN that is H&M put us in a certain UGLY mood. We became Gitter. Or .... perhaps .... Biddy. Yes. Angela is younger than me ... which means ... right. I am the Old Biddy.

Who would have thought that me and that nice datalounge panda-party poster person would have such an ugly side to us? We seem so sweet and harmless on the surface.

Speaking of pandas, my nice co-worker (actually the dude filling in for jelly) ((hmmm ...jelly filling?)) pointed out Channel Two's headline re: the baby panda's public debut in Washington:

"Panda-MONIUM at the National Zoo!!"

God that's stupid.

But hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah heh heh heh

Until later, love and kisses, xoxoxoxo


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