The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

guh wah?

Man I am TIRED.

I feel the way this little guy looks.

I wish I was a baby kitten with a little kitten dolly and could just curl up and sleep.

But no, because I'm an adult human I have to get up and go to work. Piss!!

Not to worry, my appointment with my dealer, er, I mean DOCTOR is on Thursday. Which means I shall once again have my magical fun bits. YES. Provigil puts the FUN in functional.

As a bonus, I have the day off since my doctor's appointment falls smack into the middle of the workday. RIGHT ON. or as Lolita would say: RIGHT ARM!

Speaking of Lolita, I talked to her last night. She is getting ready to graduate and is thinking about moving back to San Francisco!! Hooray!

I am getting a very small new friend today. Yes, Angela is scheduled to give birth to young Luke this morning. I'm sure all will go well. Happy birthday Luke!! You're a partyer!

I'm going to take a nap on my desk now. nighty night!!

xoxoxo kisses and love!


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