The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

In the Doghouse

I got in BIG trouble today.

It happened at the Starbucks.

As you may recall, my Starbucks opens its doors for business at 5:30 A-M. I'm often the first customer of the day.

Usually when I get there, the staff is still putting pastries on their trays, warming up the espresso machine and basically getting ready for the morning rush.

That means they are kinda slow when it comes to serving me. That's okay, I'm on DEADLINE but whatever.

Today I had a giant order to fill ... it seems every single co-worker wanted someTHING.

So when I saw that the donut/croissanty thing one coworker wanted me to bring him was on a tray of pastries sitting on a table rather that in the display case, I picked one up and brought it to the counter.

That's when I got BUSTED.

"Don't EVER do that again!" the Barista said sternly in an angry tone. "NOW I'm supposed to throw the whole tray away!"

Let me interject here that if the items were stocked in a timely manner this wouldn't have happened.

Again, is it too much to ask that a business be ready to serve customers at the time its sign states it will be open?

If the Starbucks down the street in the opposite direction (a direction, alas, too dark and scary for me to face at 5:28 A-M) can open at 5 A-M ... with pastries and such in their proper places ... then ... what the hell??

So he DIDN'T throw away the tray of pastries. When I apologized, he said "well, that's okay, it's just that if ... you know, someone snapped a picture of what you were doing, we'd have been SCREWED."

Those sneaky Starbucks paparazzi!!

It was especially embarassing because he yelled at me in front of this WHOLE pack of hot construction workers.

Then I said, I'm really sorry ... I didn't know, but I understand your concern ... I used to work at McDonald's, I know about corporate rules, etc.

Ooops. Don't EVER say anything to imply that working the counter at McDonald's is anything like being employed as a Barista at Starbucks. Just .... Don't.


In other cheese ...

I made good use of my free time today at work and made a little necklace. I didn't have the appropriate tool to pinch the little holder shut, but the engineering department did!

It is made out of freshwater pearl beads colored light blue. It is SO PRETTY!!

Carlos Muffin likes to attack himself in my full length mirror. Why is he so silly? He was making so much noise with that this morning that I had to take my mirror off the door where it hangs.

It turns out the lady who had such great sex a couple of weeks ago is now getting a divorce.

She says it is because her husband of many years "doesn't like to dance."

Oh! the INTRIGUE! WHAT could it MEAN?

xoxo love and kisses xoxoxo


Blogger terry said...

omigod... i can't believe you got scolded at starbucks! that's horrifying.

and is "doesn't like to dance" just a euphemism for... something else i don't want to think about??

Wednesday, January 31, 2007  
Blogger Diva M. said...

The idea of the "sneaky Starbucks paparazzi" just made me laugh out loud. Really loud.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007  
Blogger JMai said...

-snrrrk- ... Starbucks paparazzi. I'm with Sassy. That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!

Next time send someone else to be the coffee bitch and let that person get yelled at.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007  
Blogger Angela said...

fuck those starbitches!

it wasn't that cutie-guy, was it???

Wednesday, January 31, 2007  
Blogger Queen of Cheese said...

Thank you ladies - for your responses.

I wish i could say, let's boycott Starbucks, but I know that's impossible. They have us by the balls! er .. figuratively.

Jelly, it WAS that cutie guy! and he was still being snotty to me today.

I'm your starbucks bitch
Million dollar sandwich
Sometimes - it's worth it

Thursday, February 01, 2007  
Blogger JMai said...

We could boycott...their coffee sucks. Do you know one of the guys at work told me that he can tell where you stand politically by the coffee you drink? Apparently Dems drink Dunkin and Republicans drink Sbux. But then my friend Debbie told me that Dunkin is kind of ghetto out west, so I dunno.

Also I got the cutest hot pink shiny thermos from Starbux. So now I can take my homemade coffee to work in it. Haha suckers!

Thursday, February 01, 2007  

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