The Realm

A Place Where Cheese Is Queen

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Location: San Francisco, CA

I'm fun.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Grind

It's back. Or I'm back to it. Whatever.

There's no denying I'd rather be lying on the beach, a bucket of beer and attractive mostly non-English speaking guy by my side at this moment.

But there is something nice about getting back to my normal, albeit somewhat dull compared to a tropical holiday, life.

For instance ... I slept surrounded by fur last night in a comfortable little kitty cat sandwich. That would have SUCKED in Mexico ... but fuzzy living pillows with paws here in cold little San Francisco is a welcome addition to any nap.

Yes I'm back at work -- always a source of angst -- but I get to see my peeps! I even was happy going to get my coffee this morning because I was jonesing for a decent croissant.

And the whole newsroom sang "Happy Birthday" to me today and provided an official birthday cake with candles. Hooray! The celebration isn't over yet!

Terry gave me the LOST tape so I'm going to go get some buns after work and have a turkey burger and mashed potato FEAST tonight.

I have confirmed that Sayid appears with his shirt off in this episode. And he goes swimming! What more can one ask? Right now, I really can't think of anything more pleasant.

dooty dooty doot DOO!

xoxoxo kisses!!


Blogger terry said...

and you get a shirtless sawyer, too... IN THE SAME SCENE.

it's almost more than one can bear.



Tuesday, May 30, 2006  

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